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How to fix "err_too_many_redirects" error in Wordpress

Alejandro Frades
Cómo solucionar el error _err_too_many_redirects_ en Wordpress Modular

Managing and optimizing client websites is a daily task for marketing agencies. Every detail matters, and ensuring these websites run flawlessly is paramount. So, when a mysterious ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS pops up on the screen, it can quickly become a major concern.

This error, although an unexpected interruption, is not unbeatable. If your agency has stumbled upon this obstacle while managing client websites, don’t despair. Through this guide, we will provide you with the keys to understand and solve this challenge, allowing your clients’ online experience to be impeccable again.

What is the “err_too_many_redirects” error?

The “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” error, commonly known as a redirect loop error, occurs when a web browser detects an infinite redirect cycle between two or more URLs. Simply put, it’s as if your website is trapped in an endless loop, preventing visitors from accessing the desired page.

Why does this error occur?

The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error may seem mysterious at first, but it has specific causes. By understanding its roots, marketing agencies can address it more effectively and prevent its recurrence on their client websites.

  • General causes:
    • Incorrect configurations in the .htaccess file: The .htaccess file is one of the most essential configuration files on a web server. A slight error in its redirection rules can cause an infinite loop, resulting in the aforementioned error. Often, a poorly done configuration or incorrect rule addition can trigger the problem.
    • Issues with the SSL certificate and its security protocol: An incorrectly configured or expired SSL certificate can cause redirection conflicts, especially if the site tries to force a secure connection (HTTPS) without the proper certificate. Also, discrepancies between the SSL settings on the server and the browser’s expectations can lead to this error.
    • Incompatibilities between plugins or web applications: Apps and plugins are designed to enhance a website’s functionality. However, sometimes, two or more of these tools may have conflicting redirection instructions, creating an endless redirection cycle.
  • Specific causes related to WordPress:
    • Conflicting URL settings within the WordPress platform: WordPress allows for custom URL structures. However, inappropriate changes or conflicts between the site’s URL and the WordPress URL in general settings can generate the error.
    • Redirect plugins that are misconfigured or conflict with other plugins: The versatility of WordPress lies in its wide range of plugins. But this can be a double-edged sword. If a redirection plugin is not set up correctly or conflicts with another tool, the result can be a redirection loop.

How to identify it?

Identifying the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error is crucial for marketing agencies handling client websites. Although a browser error message may be the most obvious signal, it’s essential to dig deeper to determine the problem’s origin. Below are several tools and techniques that facilitate this task.

  • Browser error message: The most common initial signal. When a user tries to access a page, and the browser detects excessive redirects, it will display the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS message.
  • Built-in web development tools: Modern browsers offer development tools that allow inspecting site traffic in real time. In the “Network” or “Red” tab, you can see if there is a redirection loop and determine which URL is problematic.
  • Review server logs: These logs record all server requests and actions. Analyzing these logs can help you pinpoint routes or patterns causing the redirection loop.
  • Use of crawlers: Crawling tools, such as Screaming Frog or DeepCrawl, are essential for marketing agencies. These crawlers navigate the website, emulating user or search engine activity, and detect issues like ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS. They can also provide detailed information about affected pages and the potential loop cause.

Solutions for the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error

This error can be a real headache, but with the right tools and techniques, a solution is within reach. Here we detail a series of measures, both general and specific to WordPress, to address this issue:

  • Check and correct the .htaccess file configuration:
    • The .htaccess file is crucial for server configuration, and a small change can cause a redirection loop. Access this file using a file manager or an FTP client, such as FileZilla.
    • Before making changes, it’s always a good idea to back up the file. This ensures you can revert to a previous configuration if necessary.
    • Review and correct any faulty redirection rules. If you’re unsure about the error, you can restore the file to its default configuration and then add custom rules one by one, testing the site’s behavior after each addition.
  • Address SSL certificate issues:
    • If your SSL certificate is expired, renew it as soon as possible.
    • If there is a discrepancy between the SSL settings on the server and the browser’s expectations, adjust the configurations accordingly. Some plugins, such as “Really Simple SSL” for WordPress, help automate the process.
  • Examine installed plugins or web applications:
    • If you suspect that plugins or apps may be the issue’s root, disable them one by one and check the website’s behavior. This process will help you identify the problematic tool.
    • Once identified, either adjust its configuration or replace it with a non-conflicting alternative.
  • Specific solutions for WordPress:
    • Adjust URL settings: Visit the WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Settings” > “General,” and ensure that the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) match your site’s actual URL. Correct them if necessary.
    • Manage redirect plugins: If you use redirect plugins on your WordPress site, review their settings and configurations. Adjust any conflicting instructions or remove plugins that may be causing the error.


The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error can be a daunting challenge for marketing agencies managing client websites. But with the right knowledge and tools, it becomes a solvable puzzle. Ensure you always back up your files and configurations before making any changes, test website behavior after each modification, and remember that every solution starts with a clear understanding of the problem. By following this guide, your agency will be well-equipped to restore a seamless online experience for your clients.

Alejandro Frades marketing specialist Modular
Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
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