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Manage all your WordPress websites from one place

All the maintenance of your websites at 1 click. Updates, backups, reports, uptime monitoring, vulnerability analysis, and much more.


Save time
Get organized
Get more recurring maintenance clients

Modular DS App
Repositorio WordPress Valoracion

Automate the maintenance of all your websites

Dashboard Modular DS EN
Modular DS Bulk Updates
Backups Modular EN
Reports Modular DS
Uptime Monitor Modular EN

A unique dashboard
Manage all your websites from one place and log into your WP with one click
Dashboard Modular DS EN

Bulk updates
Update plugins, WP, and themes for one website or all at once
Modular DS Bulk Updates

Automate and manage backups
Backups Modular EN

Client reports
Demonstrate the value of your work and win more maintenance contracts
Reports Modular DS

Uptime monitor
Monitor the status of all your websites and get alerts if they have problems
Uptime Monitor Modular EN

Over 2,000 agencies and freelancers trust Modular to manage over 10,000 websites

Awtentic Modular Cliente Mantenimiento Web
Modular Logo Cliente Cozar Studio
Mr Landon Modular Logo
Ecode logo Modular
Nokeon logo Web
Just The Web Logo Modular
Jaime Gármar
Jaime Gármar
We manage +100 client websites and with Modular everything is easy, not only because of what it does, but also because of the human support behind it.
Marta Torre
Marta Torre
I tried Modular because it is a Spanish project and because I saw the design and I liked it a lot. Then I stayed for everything they have and that they listen a lot to users.
Pablo Moratinos
Pablo Moratinos
With Modular I have discovered one of the SaaS that takes into account the feedback of its customers to add new functionalities.
Sebastian Echevarri Modular Mantenimiento Web
Sebastián Echeverri
I manage the web maintenance for my clients and there is nothing better than being able to control that everything is working correctly from one place.

Take the maintenance of your websites to the next level

We speak to you in your language

The only tool with support in English and Spanish

By phone, email, chat... Because proximity is the value you deserve.
Promoted and financed by
Financiado por ENISA
Modular Gestion Webs Mismo Sitio
Hector De Prada Ceo Modulards
“We want to help WordPress professionals and agencies to save time in managing their websites and win more recurring contracts. With a tool where they can centralise all their projects and maintenance tasks and demonstrate the value of their daily work to their clients. So that they can understand it and are willing to pay for it.”

Héctor de Prada, Co-founder of Modular DS

The web

Get the No-Code solution that is changing how you manage you websites.