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What to do when your WordPress website is down?

Héctor de Prada
¿Qué hacer cuando tu sitio web WordPress ha caído_ Modular

It’s likely that at some point, you’ve found your WordPress website inaccessible, a scenario that can generate not a little distress. But don’t worry, here we present several steps to solve this problem and prevent it from happening again.

1. Deactivate all WordPress plugins

One of the most common reasons why WordPress can stop working is due to a problematic plugin. Access the plugins directory within the wp-content folder via FTP or your hosting provider’s file manager. Rename the plugins folder to temporarily deactivate all plugins and check if this solves the problem.

2. Switch to the default WordPress theme

Like plugins, a WordPress theme can cause problems if it has a code error. To rule out this possibility, switch to the default WordPress theme. You can do this from the file manager in your hosting panel, in the themes folder within wp-content.

3. Reset the permalinks several times

Sometimes, your site may be experiencing problems due to an issue with permalinks. To solve it, you can try resetting them several times from the ‘Permalinks’ option in your WordPress panel settings.

4. Check and restore the .htaccess file

The .htaccess file is crucial for the correct operation of your site. An error in this file can cause your site to be unavailable. You can restore this file to its original state via FTP or the file manager in your hosting panel. It’s a good idea to always have a backup of this file just in case.

5. Ensure the security of your website

A security vulnerability can bring down your site. Keep WordPress, plugins, and themes up-to-date with the latest versions and use security measures such as strong passwords, login attempt limitations, and a good security plugin.
If you have downtime problems, remember that MODUALRDS has a 24/7 alert system to detect any interruption on your website. If something goes wrong, we’ll be the first to know and take swift action to solve it.


In the event that you find your WordPress website inaccessible, it’s important to stay calm and follow these steps to solve the problem. Deactivating plugins and switching to the default theme are initial measures to identify possible causes. Likewise, resetting permalinks and checking the .htaccess file can resolve issues related to configuration.
In addition, you should not neglect the security of your site, keeping WordPress, plugins and themes updated, and using appropriate protective measures. By following these steps and precautions, you will be able to solve access issues and maintain the stability of your WordPress website in the long term. Remember that Modulards offers you all these services with a single click,

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my WordPress website has gone down?

You can check the status of your website using our Modulards tool

What do I do if I can’t access my WordPress admin panel?

If you can’t access your WordPress admin panel, you can try the above solutions via FTP or the file manager in your hosting panel. If you still can’t solve it, consider contacting your hosting provider.

How can I prevent my WordPress website from going down?

The best way to prevent your website from going down is to keep everything updated, including WordPress, plugins and themes, and use good security practices. It’s also helpful to have a backup of your website that you can restore in case of problems. Modulards does all this, in case you want to take a look.

Héctor de Prada Cofundador Modular
Héctor de Prada
Cofounder & CEO de ModularDS
Casi 10 años trabajando con WordPress en más de 100 proyectos diferentes. Desde el 2022 asiste y disfruta de todas las WordCamps que puede. Siempre abierto a hablar con otros profesionales del mundo web.

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