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How to improve the speed and performance of your website

Alejandro Frades
Cómo mejorar la velocidad y el rendimiento de tu sitio web

Does your website feel slow and cumbersome, are visitors getting impatient and abandoning before exploring your content? Don’t worry! The performance of your website is crucial to the user experience and your online success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll reveal key strategies to optimise your website and take it to the next level.

Roadmap to optimise your WordPress site performance

Optimising the performance of a WordPress site should be a structured process.

Start with a performance assessment to understand the points of improvement. Then proceed with optimising images, minimising CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, implementing web caching, and considering the use of a CDN. These steps form a path to a faster and more efficient site.

1.Monitoring and analysis:

In-depth optimisation of your images:

Code minification and optimisation:

  • Remove the superfluous: Get rid of unnecessary code such as comments, whitespace and dead code.
  • Minification: Compact your CSS, HTML and JavaScript code to make them load faster.
  • File unification: Combine CSS and JavaScript files to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

How to do it


  • Locate the files you want to minify: You can use tools such as GTMetrix to identify the files you can optimise.
  • Minify the files: You can use online tools such as Minify Code or do it manually with a text editor.
  • Minify Code: You can use online tools such as Minify Code or do it manually with a text editor.
  • Upload the minified files to your website: Make sure you make a backup copy of the original files.

With plugins:

  • Autoptimize: This plugin is one of the most popular options for minifying and optimising code in WordPress. It allows you to minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript, merge files, defer loading scripts and more.
  • WP Rocket: This caching plugin also includes options for minifying and optimising code. It’s a good option if you’re already using WP Rocket to improve your site’s loading speed.

Cache: Your best friend for speed:

  • Browser Cache: Implements browser caching so that static elements load instantly.
  • Server caching: Reduces server load by caching dynamic content.
  • Cache Plugins:
    • WP Rocket:
    • W3 Total Cache:
    • WP Super Cache:

Choose a high-performance web hosting provider:

  • Fast web server: Opt for servers with modern technology such as Nginx or Apache.
  • SSD vs HDD: Opt for SSD storage for ultra-fast read and write speeds.
  • CDN: Content Delivery Network: Distribute your content globally for faster loading.

Optimisation for mobile devices:

  • Customisable web design: Create a website that adapts to different screen sizes, from smartphones to desktops.

Keep your website updated:

  • Software updates: Keep your CMS, plugins and software up to date to ensure optimal performance.
  • Software updates: Keep your CMS, plugins and software up to date to ensure optimal performance.
  • Security checks: Protect your website from malware and vulnerabilities to avoid crashes and slow load times.

Remember: Optimising your website is an ongoing process. By implementing the above mentioned strategies and constant monitoring, you can significantly improve the performance of your website, increase user satisfaction and achieve your online goals.

Forget about the hassle with Modular

For those looking to not only optimise their website performance, but also maximise its efficiency, Modular emerges as the perfect solution. With our advanced features, most notably Performance Reporting, we give you the ability to meticulously monitor your site’s performance through regular analysis with Google Page Speed, based on the fundamental Core Web Vitals (CWV). This essential tool not only ensures comprehensive monitoring, but also facilitates continuous improvement, allowing your site to operate at its best.

With Modular, agencies can say goodbye to technical contingencies and concentrate on what really matters. This frees up more time and resources to devote to effective marketing strategies that strengthen the connection with your client’s audience. This approach not only improves the user experience on every website you manage, but also reinforces your value as an agency by allowing you to focus on driving your clients’ online success.

Adopting Modular represents a strategic decision for agencies looking to not only meet, but exceed, today’s digital challenges, ensuring that every website you manage exceeds performance expectations. We invite agencies to discover how Modular can transform website management, optimising performance while focusing on making a meaningful impact for their clients. Try Modular today and start giving your clients the quality and efficiency their projects deserve.


Improving the performance of your WordPress website is not just an initial task, but an ongoing commitment that can make all the difference to your online presence. By applying the strategies detailed above, you will be taking important steps towards a faster website, which not only improves the user experience but can also boost your ranking in search results. However, performance optimisation is a complex task that requires constant attention and the right tools.

This is where Modular comes in, offering a comprehensive platform that facilitates performance monitoring, uptime management, Google Analytics integration, WordPress shortcuts, detailed performance reporting and efficient team organisation. Modular positions itself as an invaluable resource, allowing you to keep your WordPress site not only optimised and secure, but also efficient. So you can spend more time and resources on what really matters: creating relevant content and connecting with your audience.


  1. Do I need to have programming skills to optimise my WordPress site?.
    • While some aspects of optimisation may require technical skills, there are many tools and plugins available that make optimisation easier for users without programming skills. In addition, following guides and tutorials can help you perform basic optimisations without coding.
  2. How long does it take to see performance improvements after implementing optimisation strategies?
  3. How long does it take to see performance improvements after implementing optimisation strategies?
    • Performance improvements can vary depending on the complexity of your site and the strategies implemented. Some optimisations, such as image compression and code minification, can have almost immediate effects, while others, such as improving server response time, may require more time and effort.
  4. How does the chosen WordPress theme affect site performance?.
    • The WordPress theme can have a significant impact on site performance. Heavy and poorly coded themes can slow down your site, while optimised and lightweight themes can improve loading speed. It is crucial to choose well-developed themes and keep them up to date.
  5. Does performance optimisation affect the SEO of my website?.
    • Yes, site performance is an important factor for SEO. Search engines, such as Google, prioritise websites that load quickly and offer a good user experience. Optimising your site’s performance can improve your ranking in search results.
Alejandro Frades marketing specialist Modular
Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
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