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Web migrations with applied SEO, don't lose what you've won

Alejandro Frades
Migraciones web con SEO aplicado, no pierdas lo ganado Modular

SEO migration might sound like a technical term, but actually, it’s a key process for any website looking to maintain or improve its visibility on the Internet. Imagine your website as a store, and you decide to move to a new location. SEO migration is the process that ensures your customers can find you at your new address without any problems. This is vital for WordPress sites and marketing agencies, as a misstep could mean losing visibility to search engines. In this guide, we will break down everything you need to know to make a smooth and successful transition.

What is an SEO migration?

When we talk about “SEO migration,” we refer to the process of making significant changes to your website in a way that you don’t lose your position in Google’s search results. It’s like when you move houses: you want all your furniture (in this case, your content and your online reputation) to arrive at the new address without issues.
This migration can involve changing to a new domain, for example, moving from “” to “” It could also mean changing the way your site is built, like switching from one site builder to another, or even when you reorganize all your content. Each of these changes, if not handled properly, can affect how search engines like Google find and value your site, and therefore, how your customers or readers find you.

Types of SEO Migration

SEO migration can take different forms, depending on what you’re changing on your website. Here are three main types:

  1. Domain Change Migration: This is like changing your house’s address. If you decide to move your site to a new web address (URL), it’s crucial that you inform Google and other search engines where you’ve moved so they don’t lose track of you.
  2. Platform or CMS Change Migration: If you decide to change the system with which you manage your website, like moving from one CMS to another (for example, from Joomla to WordPress), it’s like completely renovating the interior of your house. You must ensure that everything that was previously visible and accessible, like your pages and content, remains easy to find in your new setup.
  3. Web Structure Change Migration: This migration involves changing the way your site is organized, like the layout of your menus or the structure of your pages. It’s similar to reorganizing the rooms in your house; you want to ensure everything remains functional and that your visitors can find what they’re looking for without getting lost.

Each type of migration has its own challenges and specific requirements to ensure that the transition is smooth and doesn’t negatively affect your SEO.

Phases of an SEO Migration

Conducting an SEO migration is not a spontaneous act; it’s a meticulous process that is divided into several phases. Each of these stages is vital to ensure that the transition of your website is as fluid and efficient as possible.

  1. Pre-migration Web Phase: This is the planning phase. Here, you should conduct a complete audit of your current site. Identify the most important URLs, backlinks, and current performance in search engines. Additionally, it’s crucial to create a detailed map of what your site structure will look like after the migration. This stage is like packing your belongings before a move, making sure nothing important is left behind.
  2. Web Migration Phase: Now is when the change is executed. In this phase, elements from the old site are moved to the new one, 301 redirects are implemented to ensure that users and search engines are directed to the new URLs, and internal and external links are updated. It’s like moving day, where each box must go to the right place in your new home.
  3. Post-migration Web Phase: This phase is as crucial as the previous ones. Here, the site is monitored for potential issues and to ensure everything works correctly. Adjustments are made if necessary, and constant vigilance is maintained over the site’s performance in search engines to ensure that its positioning is maintained or improved. Think of it as unpacking and organizing your new home, making sure everything is in its place and functioning as it should.

A crucial detail in this whole process is the use of subdomains or test environments. During the pre-migration and migration phases, it’s advisable to make all adjustments in a subdomain or a staging environment. This allows you to refine and test each change without affecting the live version of your website. Think of this as building a scale model of your new house, where you can experiment with the layout of the furniture and decoration before making the real changes to your home.
Only when you’re completely satisfied that everything in your test environment works perfectly, you proceed to make the change to the main domain. This ensures a smooth transition and minimizes the risks of errors or issues that could affect your visibility in search engines.

Common Mistakes in SEO Migrations and How to Avoid Them

An SEO migration can be a path full of obstacles if not planned and executed carefully. Here we present some common mistakes and how to avoid them:

  1. Not Performing Complete Backups: Before starting any changes, make sure you have backups of your website. This will allow you to restore the previous version if something goes wrong during the migration.
  2. Ignoring 301 Redirects: 301 redirects are essential for informing search engines about the change of your URLs. Not implementing them correctly can result in traffic loss and the authority of your site.
  3. Neglecting Functionality Testing: In your test environment, check all the functionalities of your site. This includes forms, links, and any interactive elements. A site that doesn’t work properly can turn away users and damage your SEO.
  4. Not Monitoring After Migration: Once the migration is done, it’s fundamental to monitor the site for issues like broken links, page errors, or indexing problems. Constant monitoring allows you to react quickly and make necessary adjustments.
  5. Forgetting to Update the Sitemap and Robots.txt File: These files are crucial for search engines. Make sure they correctly reflect the new structure of your site.
  6. Underestimating the Impact of Design and UX Changes: Changes in design and user experience (UX) can also affect your SEO. Ensure the changes are search engine and user-friendly.

Avoiding these common mistakes will help ensure that your SEO migration is successful and that your website maintains or even improves its performance in search engines.

Opportunities Provided by SEO Migration

Often, SEO migration is seen as a necessary challenge, but it’s important to remember that it also offers unique opportunities to improve and revitalize your website. Here are some of them:

  1. Improvement of Site Performance and Speed: Migration is the perfect time to optimize the speed and performance of your site. A faster site is not only better for SEO but also for the user experience.
  2. Opportunity to Reevaluate and Improve Content: When migrating, you can review your existing content, remove what is no longer relevant, and improve or update what is. This can significantly increase the quality and relevance of your site for search engines.
  3. Improvement of Site Structure and UX: Migration offers an opportunity to reconsider your site’s structure. A more intuitive structure and better UX are beneficial for users and can improve your search engine ranking.
  4. Updating Keyword Strategy: The world of SEO is constantly changing. A migration is the perfect time to update your keyword strategy, focus on more relevant terms, and explore new ranking opportunities.
  5. Strengthening Brand and Online Authority: A renewed and optimized website can strengthen your brand’s perception and increase your domain authority in search engines.
  6. Improving Site Security: It’s an ideal time to enhance your website’s security, which is crucial for both user trust and SEO.

Useful Tools for SEO Migrations

SEO migration can be a complex process, but fortunately, there are tools that can make this journey much more manageable. Here we present some essentials, especially for those working with WordPress and for marketing agencies:

  1. WordPress Plugins for Migration and SEO:
    • Duplicator: Ideal for moving and cloning WordPress sites.
    • Yoast SEO: Essential for managing SEO in WordPress, helping to optimize titles, descriptions, and sitemaps.
    • Redirection: Facilitates the management of 301 redirects, key in the migration process.
  2. Analysis and Monitoring Tools:
    • Google Analytics: Indispensable for tracking traffic and user behavior.
    • Google Search Console: Offers valuable information on your site’s performance in Google’s search results.
    • SEMrush or Ahrefs: Advanced tools for SEO analysis, backlinks, and keyword research.
  3. Web Site Audit Tools:
    • Screaming Frog SEO Spider: Ideal for conducting complete site audits, including detecting broken links, redirect issues, and metadata analysis.
    • Sitebulb: Another robust option for SEO audits, with detailed reports and recommendations.
  4. Backlink Management:
    • Majestic: Excellent for analyzing a website’s backlink profile, which is crucial during a migration.
  5. Tools for Creating Sitemaps and Robots.txt:
    • XML Sitemaps Generator: For easily creating sitemaps, helping search engines understand your site’s structure.
    • Robots.txt Generator: For generating robots.txt files, which direct search engines on which pages to crawl and which not to.

These tools not only facilitate the SEO migration process but also provide a solid framework for continuous monitoring and improvement of your site’s SEO.

Final Conclusion

SEO migration, though it may seem like a daunting task, is an invaluable opportunity to improve and optimize your website. It’s not just about moving from one place to another; it’s an opportunity to reevaluate, update, and revitalize your online presence. From site structure to content and URLs, every aspect of the migration can be leveraged to strengthen your SEO and, thereby, your business.
For WordPress users and marketing agencies, a well-executed migration means not only maintaining their search engine positioning but also improving the user experience, site security, and overall performance. The tools and strategies we’ve discussed are essential for ensuring a smooth transition and for capitalizing on the many opportunities that an SEO migration offers.

Remember, SEO migration is not just a change; it’s an integral strategy to ensure that your website remains relevant, accessible, and successful in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is it necessary to hire an SEO expert for a migration?

    • While it’s possible to perform an SEO migration on your own, especially if you have experience with WordPress and SEO, hiring an expert can minimize risks and ensure a smoother transition. A professional can identify and solve complex issues that might not be obvious to someone with less experience.
  2. How long should I wait to see the results of an SEO migration?

    • The results of an SEO migration can vary. Some sites may experience an immediate impact, while others may take weeks or even months to stabilize. It’s crucial to monitor the website’s performance during this period and make adjustments as necessary.
Alejandro Frades marketing specialist Modular
Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
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