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Modular update June 2023: Maintenance plans calculator

Héctor de Prada
Modular update June 2023_ Maintenance plans calculator

I’m sure you’ve wondered at some point how much you should charge for your web maintenance service. Or what is considered normal/appropriate.

Over the past two years, we’ve been interviewing over 100 web design and development professionals, asking them about their pricing strategies. However, we recently realized that it’s you, the Modular users, who are asking us how much is typically charged for these services.

That’s why we came up with a maintenance plans calculator in collaboration with our friends at Sirvelia.

With it, and as many times as you’d like, you can:

  1. Choose the number of plans you want to offer.
  2. Configure each plan with the included features and tasks.
  3. Define your pricing strategy, experience, or your client’s location.

Once you’ve done this, the calculator will show you estimated prices you could charge.
Of course, keep in mind that these results are just a guide, and you can and should adjust them according to your business needs. However, we hope they serve as a starting point for you to define your web maintenance pricing.

I want to try it!

It’s a completely free tool, so any web designer or developer can use it, even if they don’t use Modular.

And we would greatly appreciate it if you want to share it on your social networks so that others can discover it.

Héctor de Prada Cofundador Modular
Héctor de Prada
Cofounder & CEO de ModularDS
Casi 10 años trabajando con WordPress en más de 100 proyectos diferentes. Desde el 2022 asiste y disfruta de todas las WordCamps que puede. Siempre abierto a hablar con otros profesionales del mundo web.

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