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How to conduct a mobile SEO audit from scratch

Alejandro Frades
How to conduct a mobile SEO audit from scratch Modular

Performing a mobile SEO audit is crucial for ensuring your website delivers a positive user experience on mobile devices and ranks well in mobile search results. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting an effective mobile SEO audit:

Step 1: Benchmark current mobile performance

  • PageSpeed Insights: Begin your audit by analyzing site speed and performance insights for both mobile and desktop, highlighting opportunities for improvement. PageSpeed Insights
  • GTmetrix: Provides detailed reports and recommendations for optimizing your site’s speed and performance. GTmetrix

Step 2: Assess mobile usability

  • Responsinator: Test how your website looks on various devices and screen sizes, crucial for assessing mobile usability. Responsinator
  • BrowserStack: Allows for in-depth testing of your website on real mobile devices and browsers, ensuring comprehensive usability analysis. BrowserStack

Step 3: Analyze on-page SEO for mobile

  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider: Detects SEO issues, including mobile-specific problems such as missing titles or meta descriptions unsuitable for mobile screens. Screaming Frog
  • Google Search Console: Use it to monitor how your site performs in Google’s search results, with insights into issues affecting mobile usability and visibility. Google Search Console

Step 4: Evaluate mobile page speed and performance

  • WebPageTest: Offers detailed analysis of page load times and performance across different devices, pinpointing specific bottlenecks. WebPageTest
  • Pingdom Tools: Analyzes your website’s performance and load time, providing actionable insights to improve mobile site speed. Pingdom Tools

Step 5: Review technical SEO for mobile

  • MobileMoxie Page-oscope: Helps visualize how your site appears on various mobile devices, checking for technical alignment with mobile SEO standards. MobileMoxie Page-oscope

Step 6: Analyze mobile content strategy

  • Google Analytics: Assess user engagement and content performance specifically for mobile users, identifying what works and where improvements are needed. Google Analytics
  • CrossBrowserTesting: Ensures your content is accessible and renders correctly across different mobile browsers and devices. CrossBrowserTesting

Interpreting Your Audit Results and Prioritizing Actions

Once you’ve completed your mobile SEO audit using the steps and tools outlined, you’ll be faced with a wealth of data and insights about your site’s current mobile performance and usability. The next critical step is to interpret these results and decide which actions to prioritize to maximize the impact on your site’s SEO and user experience. Here’s how to approach this phase:

Understanding Your Audit Findings

  • Identify Immediate Issues: Start by identifying issues that can have an immediate negative impact on your site’s mobile SEO, such as slow loading times, mobile usability problems, and critical technical SEO errors.
  • Assess the Impact: Evaluate the potential impact of each identified issue on your site’s performance and user experience. Issues that directly affect site speed, visibility, or user engagement should be prioritized.
  • Consider User Experience: Remember that SEO is not just about search engines but also about providing a great experience for your users. Even issues that might seem minor from an SEO perspective can significantly affect user satisfaction and engagement.

Prioritizing Your Actions

  • High Impact, Low Effort: Begin with changes that are relatively easy to implement but could have a significant impact on your site’s mobile SEO. This often includes optimizing images, fixing broken links, and improving mobile navigation.
  • Address Core Web Vitals: Google’s Core Web Vitals are crucial metrics for understanding your site’s health and user experience. Prioritize improvements in these areas, focusing on loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability.
  • Tackle Technical SEO Issues: After addressing immediate user experience improvements, focus on rectifying technical SEO issues, such as fixing crawl errors, ensuring proper use of structured data, and optimizing mobile on-page SEO elements like meta tags and headings.

Creating an Action Plan

  • Develop a Timeline: Based on the priority and estimated effort required for each task, create a realistic timeline for implementing changes. This helps ensure steady progress while minimizing disruption to your site’s current operations.
  • Allocate Resources: Determine what resources (e.g., developer time, content creation, SEO consultancy) are needed for each task and plan accordingly. Some tasks may require external expertise, so consider this in your planning.
  • Monitor and Adjust: SEO is an ongoing process. As you implement changes, continually monitor your site’s performance and be prepared to adjust your strategy based on the results. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track improvements and identify new areas for optimization.


  • PageSpeed Insights: Offers insights into your website’s performance on both mobile and desktop, highlighting opportunities to improve page speed. PageSpeed Insights
  • GTmetrix: Analyzes your website’s speed and performance, offering detailed reports and recommendations for optimization. GTmetrix
  • WebPageTest: Provides in-depth analysis of page load times and performance on various devices, helping identify bottlenecks. WebPageTest
  • Google search console: Essential for monitoring your website’s presence in Google’s search results, including mobile usability issues and performance metrics. Google Search Console
  • MobileMoxie page-oscope: Allows you to see how your site appears on different mobile devices, providing insights into mobile layout and usability. MobileMoxie
  • Pingdom Tools: Offers website performance and availability monitoring, with detailed reports on load time and suggestions for improvements. Pingdom Tools

Extra Tools for Testing Website Responsiveness

In addition to the essential tools for conducting a mobile SEO audit, these extra tools can help you test your website’s responsiveness, ensuring it provides an optimal viewing experience across a variety of device sizes:

  • Responsinator: Offers a quick way to test how your website looks on the most popular devices and screen sizes. It’s a handy tool for a preliminary check of your site’s responsiveness. Responsinator
  • BrowserStack: Provides real-time access to multiple desktop and mobile browsers for testing websites and web applications in real environments. BrowserStack is great for in-depth testing and seeing how your site performs on actual devices. BrowserStack
  • CrossBrowserTesting: Allows you to test your website for responsiveness and functionality across numerous browsers and devices. It provides screenshots and live testing capabilities to ensure your site looks and works as intended on various platforms. CrossBrowserTesting

These tools are particularly useful for web developers and designers looking to ensure their site’s layout and features work seamlessly, no matter the device or screen size used by visitors. By incorporating these into your audit process, you can take a comprehensive approach to mobile optimization, covering not just SEO aspects but also user experience and design responsiveness.


Conducting a mobile SEO audit is an essential step for any website looking to improve its visibility and performance in today’s increasingly mobile-centric digital landscape. By systematically following the steps outlined in this guide and utilizing the recommended tools, you can gain valuable insights into how well your site is optimized for mobile users, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes that will enhance the overall mobile user experience.

Remember, mobile SEO is an ongoing process. As mobile technology and user expectations continue to evolve, so too should your website. Regular audits are crucial for staying ahead of the curve and ensuring your site remains competitive in search engine rankings. By prioritizing mobile usability, page speed, and content optimization, you’re not just catering to search engines but, more importantly, providing value to your users, which is the ultimate goal of SEO.

Embrace the insights gained from your mobile SEO audit as opportunities for growth and improvement. The digital world is dynamic, and by continually optimizing your site for mobile users, you’re investing in the long-term success of your online presence.

FAQs about Mobile SEO Audits

1. How often should I conduct a mobile SEO audit?

Ideally, a mobile SEO audit should be conducted at least twice a year. However, if your website undergoes significant changes, such as a redesign, content overhaul, or platform migration, it’s wise to perform an audit immediately following those changes. Additionally, staying updated with search engine algorithm updates can help determine if more frequent audits are necessary.

2. Can I improve my mobile SEO without a developer?

Yes, there are several aspects of mobile SEO that can be improved without extensive technical knowledge. For instance, optimizing content for mobile users, improving page titles and meta descriptions, and compressing images to decrease load times can all contribute to better mobile SEO. However, addressing some technical issues, like enhancing site speed and implementing responsive design, might require developer assistance.

3. How do I know if my website is mobile-friendly?

You can use tools like PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Responsinator to evaluate your website’s mobile friendliness. These tools assess various factors such as site speed, responsiveness, and usability on mobile devices, providing you with a clear picture of how your site performs on mobile platforms.

4. What’s the difference between mobile SEO and desktop SEO?

While the core principles of SEO apply to both mobile and desktop, mobile SEO specifically focuses on optimizing for users on mobile devices. This includes ensuring the site loads quickly on mobile networks, is easy to navigate on a smaller screen, and contains mobile-friendly content. Desktop SEO, on the other hand, can afford to focus more on elements that are specific to larger screens and more stable internet connections. The key difference lies in the user experience and technical optimizations tailored to the device type.

Alejandro Frades marketing specialist Modular
Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
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