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The freelance who manages more than 120 websites in a centralized manner



Managed websites

BilboCenter is a one-person web design and development agency in Bilbao that, since using Modular, manages more than 127 WordPress websites in an optimized way, significantly reducing the hours spent, thus increasing the profitability of the web maintenance service.
Josu Bilbao Center Modular

Modular reduces your time in web maintenance and gives the client more and better services and reports.

Josu Blanco, CEO Bilbo Center

The problem:

Spent a lot of time and earned little money

BilboCenter offered web maintenance plans to its clients that involved a lot of work and from which he barely made a profit.

The solution:

Manage all his websites with Modular

He began to manage all his WordPress websites from Modular and now dedicates many fewer hours to their maintenance. In addition, seeing that the quality of service is much higher thanks to the reports he offers his clients, he will start 2024 with an improvement in maintenance plans, which will lead to higher billing.

How has Modular helped?

Time saving
Ahorro tiempo Modular BilboCenter
Efficiency Increase
Eficiencia Modular BilboCenter
It is important to highlight that BilboCenter is composed of only one person, which previously meant spending many hours of their time to carry out all the website maintenance. Since using Modular, not only has the quality of their services improved, but also the time spent on it has been reduced. Thanks to the centralized management of websites, they can organize themselves to put maintenance on autopilot, and also, the maintenance reports have added extra value to the service, so they are considering improving their plans.
With these reports, their clients now understand what the web maintenance service really entails and are much more willing to pay for it.
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Lotus Estudi
Discover how this freelancer manages over 40 websites centrally, saving 60% of hours on their maintenance services.

The revolution
of websites

Put your websites on autopilot with the only Spanish solution in the market.