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The art of word of mouth: Buzz Marketing in your agency

Alejandro Frades
El arte del boca a boca_ Buzz Marketing en tu agencia (1)

Buzz Marketing, also known as Mouth-to-mouth marketing, is a powerful strategy that seeks to generate expectation and conversation around a brand, product or service. Unlike viral marketing, which is based on the rapid and uncontrolled dissemination of a message, Buzz Marketing focuses on creating a strategic buzz that incites curiosity and dialogue among the target audience.

How does it work?

The key to Buzz Marketing lies in creating an attractive and original message that motivates people to share it with their friends, family and acquaintances. This can be achieved through a variety of techniques, such as:

  • Taser campaigns: generate mystery and expectation through small clues or enigmatic announcements.
  • Exclusive events: organise unique and unrepeatable experiences that invite participation and the exchange of opinions.
  • High-value content: offer useful, interesting or fun information that users want to share.
  • Influencer marketing: collaborate with influencers in the target niche market to convey the brand’s message to your audience.

Benefits of Buzz Marketing for your agency:

  • Increased brand awareness: Word of mouth is an effective way to reach a wide audience and generate brand recognition.
  • Brand image enhancement: positive buzz can strengthen brand image and build trust among consumers.
  • Lead generation: the interest generated by Buzz Marketing can translate into increased website visits, information requests and sales.
  • Customer loyalty: customers who participate in word of mouth feel more connected to the brand and are more likely to make repeat purchases.

How to apply Buzz Marketing in your agency

  1. Define your target audience: Who do you want your message to reach?
  2. Set your objectives: What do you want to achieve with your Buzz Marketing campaign?
  3. Define your target audience: Who do you want your message to reach?
  4. Develop a creative idea: What message do you want to convey and how are you going to do it?
  5. Choose the right channels: Where are you going to spread your message?
  6. Measure the results: How are you going to evaluate the success of your campaign?

Tools and technologies for Buzz Marketing

Tools for social media management:

  • Hootsuite: Allows you to schedule publications, monitor hashtags and analyse the performance of social networks.
  • Buffer: Similar to Hootsuite, it offers options for scheduling posts, analysing performance and collaborating with teams.
  • Sprout Social: Offers advanced social media management features such as competitor monitoring and community management.

Tools for content creation:

  • Canva: Online tool for creating images, videos and other visual elements in a simple way.
  • Adobe Spark: Similar to Canva, it offers a range of tools for creating engaging content for social networks.
  • Biteable: A tool for creating animated videos quickly and easily.

Tools for monitoring hashtags: Hashtag monitoring tools:

  • Allows you to analyse the performance of hashtags on Twitter and Instagram.
  • RiteTag: Offers suggestions of relevant hashtags for your posts.
  • Keyhole: Advanced tool for monitoring hashtags and analysing engagement on social networks.

Tools for influencer marketing:

Keyhole: Advanced tool for monitoring hashtags and analysing engagement on social networks.

  • Influencity: Platform for connecting with influencers relevant to your brand.
  • Klear: Tool for analysing the performance of influencers on social networks.
  • TapInfluence: Platform for managing influencer marketing campaigns.

Technologies for the creation of interactive experiences:

  • Virbela: Platform for creating virtual events and immersive experiences.
  • Similar to Virbela, it allows you to create virtual spaces for interaction and networking.
  • Hopin: Platform for organising online events and webinars.

Original Buzz Marketing strategies for your agency:

1. Memorable experiences:

  • Create a themed escape room: Design a live escape room game that revolves around your brand or service. Offer the experience to potential customers, influencers and media.
  • Order a live escape room game that revolves around your brand or service.
  • Organise a “blind dinner” with experts: Invite a group of influencers in your industry to a blind dinner where they can interact with experts and discuss topics relevant to your business.
  • Have a surprise flashmob: Organise a surprise dance or performance in a public place with a message related to your brand.

2. Interactive content:

  • Create a viral poll: Launch a social media poll with fun or intriguing questions related to your industry. Offer a prize to participants who share the poll.
  • Precipients who share the poll can win a prize.
  • Develop an “online game”: Create an interactive online game that users can play on your website or social media. Offer prizes to players who reach certain levels or share the game with their friends.
  • Make a “360º video” Create an immersive 360º video that allows users to explore a space or experience related to your brand.

3. Guerrilla Marketing:

  • Urban interventions: Carry out artistic or creative interventions in public spaces that convey a message related to your brand.
  • Disruptive street marketing: Implement original and eye-catching street marketing actions that generate surprise and impact on the public.
  • Themed flashmobs: Organise flashmobs in strategic locations with a message or performance related to your brand.

4. Emotional storytelling:

  • Create a series of short videos: Tell inspiring or moving stories related to your brand or your customers.
  • Develop a themed podcast: Create a podcast with interviews with experts, customers or stories related to your industry.
  • Publish an ebook with success stories: Collect success stories from your customers and publish them in a downloadable ebook.

5. Strategic collaborations:

  • Partner with a non-competing brand: Run a joint campaign with a brand from a different sector to reach a wider audience.
  • Collaborate with niche influencers: Find influencers with a specific audience relevant to your business.
  • Participate in relevant events: Sponsor or participate in industry events to increase your visibility.
  • Remember: The key to success in Buzz Marketing is creativity, originality and the ability to generate surprise and interest in your target audience. Dare to think outside the box and experiment with these strategies to make your brand the protagonist of word of mouth!

Examples of successful Buzz Marketing:

1. Dove “Real Beauty”:

  • Objective: To challenge traditional beauty standards and generate conversation about real beauty.
  • Strategy: Launching a campaign with images and videos of women with different types of beauty, along with the hashtag #RealBeauty.
  • Results: The campaign generated a huge debate on social networks, with millions of comments and shares. It also boosted brand awareness and product sales.

2. Red Bull Stratos:

  • Objective: To generate expectation and Aufmerksamkeit for the Red Bull brand.
  • Strategy: Sponsorship of Felix Baumgartner’s space jump, a global event that was broadcast live on television and followed by millions of people on the internet.
  • Results: The campaign generated a huge media impact and positioned Red Bull as an innovative and bold brand.

Keys to success:

  • Creativity and originality: The campaign must be able to surprise and generate interest in the target audience.
  • Authenticity: The campaign message must be authentic and credible so that users can identify with it.
  • Engagement: The campaign should encourage user participation and feedback.
  • Measurement of results: It is important to monitor the impact of the campaign to evaluate its success and make adjustments if necessary.

Buzz Marketing can be a very effective tool for marketing agencies, as it allows them to generate buzz and engagement for your brands. If you are thinking of implementing this strategy in your agency, I recommend that you take inspiration from the successful examples mentioned above and adapt the strategies to your sector, your target audience and your specific resources.

Would you like to implement this strategy in your agency?


Alejandro Frades marketing specialist Modular
Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
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