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Choosing WordPress Themes: Astra vs GeneratePress

Alejandro Frades
Elección de Temas WordPress_ Astra vs GeneratePress

When creating or renewing a website with WordPress, choosing the right theme is crucial. Two of the most popular contenders are Astra and GeneratePress, both known for their flexibility and performance. Below, we examine the features of both to help you make an informed decision.

Comparison of General Traits

Customization and Flexibility

Astra excels with its large library of pre-designed starter sites, making it easy to create a professional site quickly. It offers advanced customization options in the Pro version, allowing for detailed adjustments in headers and footers, and a variety of settings for each page.
On the other hand, GeneratePress focuses on simplicity and efficiency. Although it has fewer pre-built templates than Astra, it provides a solid foundation for those who want to customize their site from a cleaner and less overwhelming starting point.

Performance and Speed

Both themes stand out for their performance focus, but GeneratePress takes the lead being slightly lighter, which can translate into faster loading times, an important factor for SEO and user experience.

WooCommerce Compatibility

For WooCommerce users, Astra is arguably the preferred choice. With its dedicated WooCommerce module, Astra provides features like the dropdown cart and an off-canvas sidebar, designed to enrich the online store experience.
GeneratePress is not far behind in terms of WooCommerce compatibility, although it does not have the same specific features offered by Astra.

Integrations and Extensions

Besides WooCommerce, Astra offers additional integrations with Easy Digital Downloads, LearnDash, and LifterLMS, making it ideal for e-commerce and online education sites.
GeneratePress maintains a more basic stance, focusing on its core integration with WooCommerce and leaving other integrations to third-party plugins.

Support and Documentation

The support for GeneratePress is highly valued, thanks to its public forum and extensive documentation. In addition, the active presence of the developer in the forum adds a level of trust and security.
Astra also has a wide knowledge base and offers support through a private ticket system, as well as having a community on Facebook.


The premium versions of both themes are similarly priced, but it is important to note that the free version of Astra provides more functionalities than the free version of GeneratePress.

Feature Astra GeneratePress Winner Astra Rating (1-10) GeneratePress Rating (1-10) Remarks
Starting Price $59/year $59/year Tie 8 8 Affordable prices with lifetime options.
Use on Sites Unlimited Up to 500 Astra 10 7 Astra dominates for agencies with multiple clients.
Available Add-ons Extensive for various builders and tools GenerateBlocks Astra 9 7 Astra offers a greater variety of integrations.
Coding Skills Needed No Yes Astra 9 6 Astra favors non-developers.
Integrations Wide (WooCommerce, LearnDash, etc.) Limited (mainly WooCommerce) Astra 9 6 Astra wins in versatility and compatibility.
Direct Customization Extensive Limited Astra 9 6 With Astra, more customization is possible without touching code.
White Label Yes No Astra 9 5 Astra is ideal for agencies looking for this option.

Final Astra rating: 9/10 – Overall Winner
Final GeneratePress rating: 6.5/10

Performance Table: Astra vs GeneratePress (with and without optimization)

Performance KPIs Astra (without optimization) Astra (with WP Rocket + Imagify) GeneratePress (without optimization) GeneratePress (with WP Rocket + Imagify) Winner
Mobile PageSpeed Score 81/100 100/100 82/100 100/100 Tie
Total Load Time 2.9 s 2.2 s 3.1 s 2.1 s GeneratePress
First Contentful Paint 2.8 s 0.4 s 1.5 s 0.5 s GeneratePress
Largest Contentful Paint* 4.1 s 0.6 s 3.3 s 0.7 s GeneratePress
Cumulative Layout Shift* 0 0 0.521 0 Astra
Speed Index 3.5 s 0.7 s 5 s 0.6 s GeneratePress
Total Blocking Time 0 ms 0 ms 30 ms 0 ms Astra
Total Page Size 788 KB 588 KB 953 KB 547 KB GeneratePress
HTTP Requests 21 16 20 15 GeneratePress

Final performance rating Astra: 8/10
Final performance rating GeneratePress: 8.5/10 – Performance Winner

Key Feature Comparison between Astra and GeneratePress

Feature Astra GeneratePress Notes
Code-Free Customization ✔️ Astra offers more customization options without the need for coding knowledge.
Performance and Speed ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Both are highly optimized for speed, though GeneratePress may have a slight edge.
SEO ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ GeneratePress is known for its clean code and SEO-friendly structure.
Support ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Both offer excellent customer support, with active communities and help resources.
Plugin Integrations ✔️ Astra has integrations with a wider variety of popular plugins.
Device Adaptability ✔️ ✔️ Both themes are fully responsive and adaptable to mobile devices.
Use on Unlimited Sites ✔️ Astra allows unlimited use on sites, GeneratePress is restricted to 500 sites.
Access to Addons/Plugins ✔️ ✔️ Astra and GeneratePress offer addons, but Astra has a wider range of specific plugins.

Ease of Use and Learning Table

Aspect Astra GeneratePress Comments
Learning Curve Low Moderate Astra is more intuitive for beginners, while GeneratePress may require knowledge of HTML/CSS.
Customization from WP Customizer Advanced Basic With Astra, you can make more changes directly from the WordPress customizer.
Documentation and Tutorials Extensive Extensive Both themes have extensive documentation and tutorials to facilitate learning.
Code-Free Page Building More Options Less Options Astra makes it easier to build pages without code through its integrations with page builders.
Support for Beginners Excellent Good Astra tends to be more user-friendly for those without technical experience.

Theme Recommendations According to the Type of Website or Business

Type of Website/Business GeneratePress Astra Reason for Choice
Personal Blog ✔️ Lightness and speed for frequent readers.
Web Design Agency ✔️ White label option and unlimited use on sites.
Online Store (WooCommerce) ✔️ Advanced integration with WooCommerce.
Online Education (LMS) ✔️ Compatibility with LMS plugins like LearnDash.
Corporate Site ✔️ Professionalism and focus on loading speed.
Work Portfolio ✔️ Variety of design options without needing code.
User without Programming Knowledge ✔️ Ease of use and customization without code.
Web Developer ✔️ Flexibility and control through customization with code.
High Traffic Blog ✔️ Optimization for outstanding performance under load.
Affiliate Sites ✔️ Extensive customization options to highlight calls to action.
Creative Ventures ✔️ Page builder integrations for unlimited creativity.
SEO Professionals ✔️ Clean, fast code structure for better SEO performance.

Final Conclusions

After analyzing both WordPress themes, Astra and GeneratePress, in detail, we have observed that each excels in different aspects and would be the best option according to the specific needs and skills of the user.

Astra stands out for its ease of use and its ability to customize without the need for code knowledge, making it ideal for beginner users or for those who wish to work in a more visual and intuitive way. The wide range of integrations, such as WooCommerce and LearnDash, make it a versatile choice for a variety of websites, especially online stores or learning platforms. In addition, its ability to be used on unlimited sites makes it an attractive solution for agencies or developers working on multiple projects.

On the other hand, GeneratePress presents itself as a robust option for those who have knowledge of HTML and CSS and seek more fine control over the technical aspects of their website. Although its learning curve may be slightly higher, it offers marginal gains in page speed and performance, which can be a critical factor for users with high expectations in terms of performance and optimization.

With the aid of optimization plugins like WP Rocket and Imagify, both themes can achieve perfect scores on PageSpeed, however, GeneratePress tends to have a slight advantage in loading times and performance metrics when it comes to advanced optimization.


  • If you value simplicity, direct customization, and have a variety of projects, Astra is your clear winner.
  • If performance is your obsession and you are comfortable with code, or are willing to learn, GeneratePress could be your ideal companion.

Ultimately, the choice between Astra and GeneratePress will depend on your personal or business priorities, your comfort level with code, and the specifics of your web project. Both options are solid and have proven to be leaders in the WordPress theme industry, ensuring that, regardless of your choice, you will be well-equipped to build a functional, aesthetic, and optimized website.

Alejandro Frades marketing specialist Modular
Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
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