New update November 2023: New version of backups

This is one of the updates we have been waiting for the longest time.
New Backup Version
After 4 months of work, we are launching the new version of backups. One of the most important features of our application.
Although visually it will not be the biggest change, if you have ever had errors in the backups of Modular on any of your websites, this update should fix it, greatly increasing the success rate.
Now, backups are done in parts. And you can download them (and very soon) restore them, also in parts.
Another important change is the way Modular treated failures in backups. Before, if a backup failed, automation was disabled and you received no notice. From today, if an error occurs, you will see a notice when logging into the Modular panel, and automated backups will not be deactivated.
Important: To enjoy this improvement you have to update the Modular plugin on all your websites to version 0.50.5.
This is how backups are now displayed.
Significant Performance Improvement
Another thing we’ve been working on for some time is improving the performance of the application.
With this update, navigating the Modular panel is almost 100% faster. You’ll definitely notice it if you log in.
With these (highly anticipated) new features, we want to make managing your clients’ websites even easier. And, as always, we would love to hear your feedback.