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WordPress Multisite: What is it and how to use it on your website

Héctor de Prada
WordPress Multisite: Qué es y cómo usarlo en tu sitio web

The world of WordPress is full of possibilities, and one of the lesser-known options it offers is the creation of a multisite. If you have the task of managing multiple websites that share features and are looking for an efficient, albeit somewhat complex, solution, then this article is for you.

In the following lines, you will learn what a WordPress multisite is, its advantages, how to configure and manage it, and much more, based on our experience working with more than one multisite.

What is WordPress Multisite?

WordPress Multisite is a feature that allows you to create and manage multiple websites under a single WordPress installation. With this feature, you can create as many sites as you need, each with its own content, users, and settings, but all sharing a single database, the same plugins, and themes (although you can activate different ones for each site). This facilitates the administration and maintenance of multiple websites since updates and configuration changes can be done centrally.

What can I use WordPress Multisite for?

WordPress Multisite is useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • Networks of blogs or thematic websites that have a very similar or identical technical configuration and even design (theme).
  • Websites of the same company that want to have centralized access.
  • Sites with different languages.
  • Companies that require centralized management of their websites and subdomains.
  • Online communities that want to provide their members with the ability to create and manage their own websites within a common platform.

When to use multisite?

Sites with similar structure

If you have multiple websites with a similar structure and design, multisite can be a suitable solution. For example, if you manage blogs of different topics but always use the same theme for design and the same plugins to optimize and add functionalities, multisite will allow you to manage them more easily.

Sites for the same company or brand

Multisite can be useful if you have different websites for the same company or brand. For example, if you have separate websites for products, services, and the company’s blog, multisite will allow you to easily manage them from a single control panel.
It can also be beneficial when working with a company that has multiple sub-brands and prefers to have centralized administration.

Websites in multiple languages

WordPress Multisite is one of the options available for managing websites in different languages under the same brand. It is interesting, especially because each subsite can have its own translation and content team. Additionally, even though the different sites share design and structure, they can vary more from each other than in a single installation.

How to activate WordPress Multisite in 5 steps

#1. Edit the wp-config.php file

To activate WordPress Multisite, you need to edit the wp-config.php file of your WordPress installation. Look for the line that says /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ and add the following code just before that line:

define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

Save the changes and upload the modified file to your server.

#2. Go to Network Setup

After modifying the wp-config.php file, access the WordPress administration panel. In the “Tools” menu, you will see a new option called “Network Setup.” Click on it to continue with the WordPress Multisite configuration.

#3. Subdomain or subdirectory?

At this stage, you will need to decide whether you want your network sites to work with subdomains or subdirectories. Subdomains are of the form, and subdirectories are of the form The choice depends on your needs and preferences, but keep in mind that some plugins may not work correctly with subdomains.

#4. Network Details

Fill in the fields with the information for your network, such as the administrator’s name and email. This information will be used for notifications and network management.

#5. Activate multisite

WordPress will automatically generate the code that you need to add to the wp-config.php and .htaccess files.
Make sure to copy and paste this code into the respective files and save the changes. Once you have done this, the Multisite functionality of WordPress will be activated in your installation.

How to manage the network of sites in WordPress Multisite?

Once Multisite is activated, you will see a new menu in the administration panel called “My Sites.” From there, you can manage all the websites in your network. Some of the actions you can perform include:

  • Create and delete sites.
  • Add and remove users.
  • Assign roles and permissions to users on the network sites.
  • Install and activate plugins and themes for the entire network or specific sites.
  • Update plugins, themes, and the WordPress installation itself.
  • Configure global options for all sites in the network, such as permalinks and SEO settings.

Disadvantages of WordPress Multisite

Although WordPress Multisite offers some advantages, there are several disadvantages to consider before choosing this option. Some of the main ones are:

  1. Complexity in configuration: The initial configuration of WordPress Multisite can be complicated, especially for less experienced users. It requires modifying configuration files and adjusting the main installation, which can lead to confusion and errors if not done correctly.
  2. Limitations in customization: Due to the shared nature of WordPress Multisite, some customization options may be restricted at the site level. Themes and plugins must be compatible with Multisite, and some design elements or functionalities may not be independently modified for each site.
  3. Performance and scalability: As the number of sites and traffic in WordPress Multisite increases, there may be a decrease in overall system performance. Loading multiple sites and databases can require more server resources, which can affect the loading speed and responsiveness of the site.
  4. Centralized dependency: When using WordPress Multisite, all sites are linked to a single main installation. This means that if there is any problem with the main installation, all subsites will be affected. In addition, WordPress or plugin updates may require thorough testing on each site before implementing them, which can complicate and delay update management.
  5. Compatibility of plugins and themes: Although most plugins and themes are compatible with WordPress Multisite, some may have compatibility issues. It is important to ensure that the resources used are compatible and properly updated to avoid conflicts or malfunctions on the subsites.
  6. Difficulties in switching: If, after some time, you want to move from a multisite installation to multiple regular WordPress installations, it will not be an easy process due to the peculiarities they share.

It is important to consider these disadvantages and evaluate whether WordPress Multisite is the best option to meet the specific needs of your project before implementing it.

Modular Ds, the alternative to WordPress Multisite

As you have seen, setting up WordPress Multisite is not the easiest task in the world, and it also comes with several disadvantages compared to regular WordPress installations. In terms of scalability, dependency, performance…
That’s why, if you’re looking to use WordPress Multisite to more easily manage the websites of your clients or your company, you can try Modular, a tool to centralize and automate the management of your websites, even if they are independent and located on different servers.

With Modular, you can:

  1. Have a dashboard where you can access (without a username and password) and see the status of all your WordPress websites, organized by folders.
  2. Centralize updates for WordPress, plugins, and themes from a single panel to save a lot of time.
  3. Uptime Monitor to automate the monitoring of your websites, so if one goes down, you will receive an instant email or SMS notification.
  4. Automatic cloud backups to ensure that you are always safe no matter what happens.
  5. Client reports to demonstrate the work behind the web maintenance you perform. Integrated with data from Google Analytics, Search Console, or Page Speed, as well as all the tasks you carry out on each website.
  6. Spanish support: We are always available in case you have any problems with the tool’s configuration.

If you want to try it, you can register at this link.
If you are considering using WordPress Multisite to manage multiple websites, you may be interested in learning about the differences between some management tools such as MainWP and Modular or ManageWP and Modular. These tools can greatly simplify the task of managing multiple sites.

Héctor de Prada
Cofounder & CEO at ModularDS
Almost 10 years working with WordPress in more than 100 different projects. Since 2022 he attends and enjoys as many WordCamps as he can. Always open to talk with other web professionals.

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