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New version of WordPress 6.5 nicknamed "Regina".

Alejandro Frades
Lleva la nueva version de WordPress 6.5 apodada _Regina_

WordPress 6.5, known as “Regina”, comes loaded with new features that enrich the experience of both users and developers. Here are the highlights of this version:

Advanced font management

The new Font Library puts the power of typographic design in your hands without coding. You can now easily install, remove and activate local and Google fonts, opening up a range of possibilities to customize the style of your content with ease.

Enhanced revisions

Revisions now include templates and parts of templates, providing a more complete picture of changes made and the ability to revert them if necessary. This feature is extended to provide details such as timestamps, quick summaries and a paginated list of all revisions.

Background and shadow tools

Options for background images and shadows in blocks have been improved, allowing you to control the size, repetition and focal point of background images in group blocks. Support for box shadows is also added to more block types, allowing you to create designs with greater visual depth.

New data views

Discover and organize your site’s information and data faster with new data views for pages, templates, patterns and template parts. These views allow you to view data in table or grid formats and make bulk changes.


Drag and Drop Smoother

The drag and drop feature has been optimized, offering a smoother and more visually intuitive experience, making it easier to rearrange elements within your workspace.

Improvements in link control

Link creation and management is now more intuitive thanks to a simplified user interface and shortcuts to quickly copy links.


New features for developers

  • Interactivity API: Facilitates the creation of interactive front-end experiences with blocks, reducing dependencies on external tools and maintaining optimal performance.
  • Block linking API: Allows connecting block attributes with custom fields or dynamic content in a simple way, extending customization possibilities.
  • Look and feel tools for classic themes: Classic themes can now choose to include spacing, border, typography and color options without the need to use theme.json.
  • Improvements to the plugin experience: Simplified plugin dependency management with a new header indicating required plugins.

Performance updates

This release includes over 110 performance updates, significantly improving speed and efficiency in the post and site editors. In addition, support for AVIF format images and improvements to block variation registration with callbacks further optimize the user experience.Translated sites see up to a 25% improvement in load time for this release.

Inclusion and accessibility

With over 65 accessibility improvements, WordPress 6.5 becomes the most accessible release to date, addressing important tweaks that improve the WordPress experience for all users.

WordPress 6.5 “Regina” represents a significant step forward in the mission to provide a flexible, accessible and powerful content management platform suitable for developers and non-programming users alike.


WordPress 6.5 “Regina” not only pays tribute to an exceptional artist but also marks a milestone in the evolution of the platform, offering the WordPress community more powerful and flexible tools for website creation. With these new features, WordPress continues to demonstrate its commitment to innovation and accessibility, reinforcing its position as the undisputed leader in online content management.

Alejandro Frades marketing specialist Modular
Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
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