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Update May 2024: Dark mode, context menu and Google accounts

Héctor de Prada
New update, dark mode, context menu, google accounts

This month, we have 3 new improvements in Modular focused on making your day-to-day work with the tool much easier.

Here they are:

Dark mode

Working late? Activate the new dark mode and reduce eye strain, making those long nights of work a little easier. Your eyes will thank you, and so will your focus.

Dark Mode Modular DS

Context menu

We’ve simplified the way you access the modules of your websites. Now, with just a right-click on any site, you’ll have direct access to all available options.

Context Menu Modular DS

Google accounts

To make things even easier, when you connect a Google account in Modular, you can use it for any other website, whether in the Analytics module or Search Console. No need to verify the account each time.

Plus, you now have a new panel where you can manage your linked Google accounts.

Google Accounts Modular DS

If you want to try it all, you can now log into Modular.

Héctor de Prada
Cofounder & CEO at ModularDS
Almost 10 years working with WordPress in more than 100 different projects. Since 2022 he attends and enjoys as many WordCamps as he can. Always open to talk with other web professionals.

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