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July 2024 Update: Updater and report improvements and tags

Héctor de Prada
Updater and reporting improvements Site management by tags

No summer can slow us down, and that’s why we continue working to make your experience with Modular the best it can be, allowing you to manage your websites more easily, organized, and faster.

Here are all the new features we’ve launched this month:

Updater improvements

  • Hide updates for a plugin, theme, or WP version if you don’t want to perform them, so they don’t appear as pending, helping you avoid temptation.
  • Performance optimization. We’ve made a series of changes that have made the updater much faster.

Updater improvements Modular DS

Report improvements

  • Add the Google Analytics or Google Search Console logo if you want it to appear in their section within the report. For example, to justify the Digital Kit.
  • Add the time spent on tasks with hours and minutes. To make it more precise.
  • New report languages. In addition to Spanish and English, Catalan, French, and Portuguese have been added.
  • Send reports automatically as a PDF attached to the email, not just with a link to the report.

Google Search Results

Site management by tags

You can now create tags and assign them to your websites in Modular to filter and search for specific sites or to group updates in the global updater.

Do you need to update only e-commerce sites or projects for a particular client? Just tag them, filter, and update. It’s that simple.

Search engine

When you search for a website within the general Modular search engine, a button will appear to log in directly to the WordPress panel.

We encourage you to log into your account and try out all these new features, and let us know what you think.

Héctor de Prada
Cofounder & CEO at ModularDS
Almost 10 years working with WordPress in more than 100 different projects. Since 2022 he attends and enjoys as many WordCamps as he can. Always open to talk with other web professionals.

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