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Tags in WordPress and how they can affect SEO

Alejandro Frades
Etiquetas en WordPress y como pueden afectarte al SEO

Importance of tags in SEO

The tags or tags are crucial elements in the structuring and organization of content on a website. They help classify and relate similar topics, facilitating navigation for both users and search engines. However, their misuse can have negative effects on SEO. Below, we explore in detail how they should be used correctly and common mistakes to avoid.

Common mistakes in the use of Tags

Duplicate Tags

One of the most common mistakes is the creation of duplicate tags that refer to the same subject matter with minimal variations. This can fragment the content and reduce the authority of the tags.

Example of misuse:

  • Using tags such as “dessert recipes”, “candy recipes”, “homemade desserts” for the same content.

Irrelevant tags

Adding tags that are not directly related to the content can confuse search engines and users.

Example of misuse:

  • In an article about technology, using tags such as “recipes”, “travel”, “fashion”

Generic tags

Labels that are too broad or generic do not add value and can be counterproductive.

Example of misuse:

  • Tags such as “articles”, “information”, “fun”

Negative impact of misuse of tags on SEO

Content fragmentation

Improper tag usage can lead to content fragmentation, where similar topics are split into multiple tags, weakening the authority of each tag.

Poor User Experience

Irrelevant or generic tags can confuse users, making navigation difficult and decreasing time spent on the site.

Generation of Unnecessary URLs

Each tag creates a unique URL, which can generate a lot of unnecessary URLs on large sites such as e-commerce, increasing complexity and affecting site performance. This can lead to duplicate content issues and search engine indexing difficulties. This is the most important part of SEO. For more information on how to improve your SEO, you can check this article on the best SEO plugins for WordPress.

Best practices for using tags

Create a tag strategy

Developing a clear strategy for tag usage can help maintain consistency and relevance.


  • Audit existing tags on a regular basis.
  • Unify similar tags to avoid duplicates.

Use specific and relevant tags

  • Ensure that each tag is specific and relevant to the article content.

Example of good usage:

  • For an article on digital marketing, use tags such as “SEO”, “content marketing”, “digital marketing strategies”

Monitor tag performance

Use analytics tools to monitor which tags are generating the most traffic and adjust strategy accordingly.

Monitor URL generation

Implement measures to control URL generation by tags, especially on large sites. This may include:

  • Use of noindex on irrelevant tags: Prevent search engines from indexing tag pages that do not contribute value.
  • Consolidation of similar tags: Reduce the number of tags and consolidate content under broader, more relevant terms.
  • Tag pagination configuration: Review the CMS configuration to properly manage how tag URLs are created and managed.


The correct use of tags is essential for an effective SEO strategy. Avoiding common mistakes and following best practices can significantly improve a website’s search engine performance, facilitating a better experience for users and controlling the proliferation of unnecessary URLs.


Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
The mind behind Modular's social content. Always on top of the latest trends to take advantage of them and make the digital world more enjoyable and entertaining.

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