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September 2024 Update: Advanced plugin and theme management

Héctor de Prada
Advanced management of plugins and themes Modular DS

Until now, the most used feature of Modular was, by far, the global updater.

Well, we have changed it completely.

Now it’s no longer just an updater, it’s a comprehensive WordPress plugin, theme and version manager that allows you to, in multiple websites at the same time:

  • Update plugins, themes and WordPress core.
  • Hide updates you prefer not to perform.
  • Install plugins and themes from the WordPress repository, a ZIP file or any url.
  • Easily activate or deactivate plugins and themes.
  • Remove plugins and themes you no longer need.

And best of all: now you can also install and update premium plugins that are not available in the WordPress repository.

New manager plugins and themes Modular

Install plugins and themes Modular

Log in to your account and try it out!

Héctor de Prada
Cofounder & CEO at ModularDS
Almost 10 years working with WordPress in more than 100 different projects. Since 2022 he attends and enjoys as many WordCamps as he can. Always open to talk with other web professionals.

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