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How to protect your WordPress site against hackers

Alejandro Frades
Cómo proteger tu sitio WordPress contra hackers

Protecting a website is essential nowadays, and a file called security.txt can help you a lot in this task. It is a very simple file that you can add to your website so that anyone who encounters a security problem will know how to contact you and let you know. Although it sounds technical, it is actually quite easy to understand and implement.

What is security.txt?

The security.txt file was born to solve a common problem: when someone discovers a security flaw on a website, sometimes they don’t know who or how to notify. This file, inspired by another similar file called robots.txt, is a simple way to tell people how they can tell you about security problems on your website.

Importance of security.txt in Web Security

Having a security.txt file on your Web site is like putting up a sign that says, “If you see something wrong, let me know here.” This helps security problems to be solved quickly, preventing further damage. It’s an easy and effective way to show that you take security seriously.

Why it’s crucial for website owners

Cases where security.txt has been useful

There are many stories of websites that avoided major problems because someone reported a flaw in time using the information in their security.txt file. This file helps communication to be fast and direct, which can save your website from major damage.

How the security.txt File Works

The security.txt file functions as a guide for anyone who wants to inform you about a security problem on your website. It provides details such as a contact email, ensuring that the information gets to the right people quickly.

File format and content

A basic security.txt file might look like this:

# security.txt
Contact: mailto:[email protected]
Languages: es, en

This example shows the most important information you should include: how to contact you, how to send messages securely, and the rules on how you handle security reports.

Implementing security.txt on a web site

The security.txt file should be at the root of your web site, that is, at This way, anyone who needs it will find it easily.

Creating a security.txt file is easy. You just need to include a valid email address, an option to encrypt messages if necessary, and a link to your security policies. This way, you will be prepared to receive any security report.

Best Practices for security.txt

It is important that the file has basic information so that people can easily contact you. This includes an active email address, instructions for sending secure messages, and a link to your security policy.

A security.txt file is only useful if it is up to date. Review the information regularly to make sure it is still correct, especially if emails or policies change.


Adding a security.txt file to your website is a simple but powerful measure to improve security. This file facilitates communication with security experts, allowing them to quickly alert you to potential vulnerabilities before they become a serious problem. It doesn’t take much to implement, but the benefits are enormous.

Also, to complement the security of your website, don’t forget to protect your data with regular backups. If you use WordPress, we recommend you check out our guide on the best WordPress backup plugins. This way, you will ensure not only early detection of vulnerabilities, but also quick recovery from any incident.

With these measures, you will be better prepared to protect your site and your users.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. What is a security.txt file? The security.txt file is a simple document that is placed on a website to provide contact information in case someone discovers a security issue. It facilitates communication between site owners and security investigators.
  2. Why do I need a security.txt file on my website? Having a security.txt file allows anyone who finds a vulnerability on your website to quickly and securely report it to you, helping you fix problems before they become serious.
  3. How do you create a security.txt file? To create a security.txt file, simply write a simple text file with basic information such as a contact email, an encryption key (if necessary) and a link to your security policy. Then, place it in the root folder of your website in the path /.well-known/security.txt.
  4. Where should I place the security.txt file on my website? The security.txt file should be placed in the /.well-known/ path of your domain, i.e., it should be accessible from
  5. What information should be included in a security.txt file? A security.txt file should include, at a minimum, a contact email, an encryption key (if used to protect communication), a link to your security policy, and any other information relevant to vulnerability management.
  6. How often should I update the security.txt file? It is advisable to review and update the security.txt file regularly, especially if contact details or security policies change. Keeping the information up to date ensures that security reports reach the right people.
Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
The mind behind Modular's social content. Always on top of the latest trends to take advantage of them and make the digital world more enjoyable and entertaining.

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