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Privacy Policy

Through our Privacy Policy, we inform you about how your personal data will be processed on our Website and in our application Modular DS.

In accordance with personal data protection regulations and adhering to the principle of transparency, we want all information and communication regarding the processing of your personal data to be understandable and easily accessible.

On this Website, as well as in our application, we respect and take care of our users’ personal data. As a user, you should know that your rights are guaranteed.

Respect for privacy is important to us, and you should know that our Website and our application are safe and reliable spaces, and for that reason:

  • We never request personal information unless it is really necessary to provide our services.
  • We do not share our users’ personal information with anyone, except to ensure the proper functioning of our Website and/or application, to fulfill our legal obligations, or in cases where we have your express authorization.
  • We never use your personal data for purposes other than those stated in this Privacy Policy.

1. WHY DO WE PROCESS YOUR DATA AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE? (“purposes of personal data processing, legal basis, and retention periods”):

When you visit our Website and/or register in our application Modular, you are providing personal information for which we, Uniqoders Technologies, S.L., are responsible.

The type of personal information we collect depends on your relationship with us. It is not the same if you browse our Website and subscribe to our newsletter, as it is if you are a User of the Modular application.

Below, we detail the type of data processing we carry out, the purpose(s), the legal basis for the processing, and the data retention period. We process data from:

  • Website Users and subscribers: for the purpose of addressing inquiries, requests, complaints, or suggestions made through our forms, sending our newsletter if they have subscribed to our database, and/or sending commercial and/or promotional communications, always based on your consent (art. 6.1a of the GDPR and art. 21 of the LSSI-CE). The data will be retained until the request for information, inquiry, and/or complaint has been addressed and subsequently during the legally established retention and limitation of liability periods, as well as as long as consent is not revoked.
  • Modular DS application Users, for the purpose of managing the administrative, accounting, and tax aspects of the license contract, with the legal basis being the execution of a contract (art. 6.1b of the GDPR), and for the purpose of sending commercial communications about our products and/or services, including electronically, based on our legitimate interest under Recital 47 of the GDPR and art. 21.2 of the LSSI-CE.

When we provide the service consisting of the licensing of software for professionals to manage websites and clients, we act as data processors.

At the bottom of this document, we explain how Uniqoders acts as a data processor.

The data will be retained until deletion is requested and, if applicable, for the necessary years to comply with legal obligations.

Uniqoders Technologies, S.L. may create profiles based on your behavior and how you navigate the Website and the Modular application. We may create user profiles through cookies. In these cases, your acceptance of the installation and use of cookies results in data processing for profiling purposes, as described in this section. This profiling will be used for promotional purposes.


As we have explained, the type of personal information we collect depends on your relationship with us. To this end, we may collect the following personal information:

  • Name and contact details, such as your first and last name, email address, postal address, and phone number.
  • Account credentials, such as passwords and other security information for authentication and access.
  • Banking details: we do not store credit and/or debit card information used for payment processing; this information is stored exclusively by our provider Stripe.
  • Usage information, such as information about how you navigate our Website or application and which features you use most often.
  • Information about your equipment, device, and connection, such as your IP address, browser type and version, and location.


To provide you with the best possible services and facilitate our business operations, we may share certain information internally or with certain third parties. The parties with whom we may share data include:

  • Our service providers, for example, for data management or hosting and/or support technology; the ChatBot, application statistics, etc.
  • Other parties, for example, as necessary for external audits, regulatory compliance, corporate development, etc.;
  • Public/Governmental Authorities (e.g., Tax Administration, Financial Entities, Public Registers, other Public Administration Bodies, etc.), in the cases necessary for the development, control, and fulfillment of the expressed purpose(s) in the legally established cases.

Whenever we share personal information internally or with third parties in other countries, we have appropriate safeguards in place in accordance with applicable data protection laws, including, where applicable, EU Standard Contractual Clauses. According to the applicable legislation, third parties are required to use adequate security measures to protect personal information and may only access the personal information necessary to perform their specific tasks.

Modular may transfer personal data to recipients located in the United States of America, as defined in the Commission Decision of February 5, 2020, on Standard Contractual Clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries.


Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation of whether Uniqoders Technologies, S.L. is processing their personal data or not.

As a data subject, you have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data or, where applicable, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. You also have the right to data portability.

In certain circumstances, you may request the restriction of the processing of your data, in which case it will only be retained for the exercise or defense of claims.

In certain circumstances, and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of your data. In this case, Uniqoders Technologies, S.L. will stop processing your data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

You can exercise your rights by sending an email to [email protected] or by sending a letter to Calle Santos Ovejero, Nº 1 P1-07-08, C.P.: 24.008; León – Spain.

When we send commercial communications based on our legitimate interest, you can object to the processing of your data for this purpose.

If you have given your consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

If you feel that your rights regarding the protection of your personal data have been violated, especially if you have not been satisfied in the exercise of your rights, you can file a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority through their website:


Both we and our external service providers may collect personal information from the following sources:

  • Direct interactions, such as when Users browse our Website, register in our Modular application, fill out one of our forms, and/or contact us through our ChatBot.
  • Automated tracking technologies, such as information automatically collected about your interactions with our Services and Websites using various technologies (cookies, Internet tags, beacons, and web logs, etc.).

We remind you that, as a User, you are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy of the data provided, and you must inform us of any changes.

You must complete the required fields in the forms with accurate, complete, and updated information, except for data where its completion is indicated as optional. Otherwise, we will not be able to provide the Services.

Bank card data is not stored beyond the time necessary to complete the transaction, except in the case of a recurring subscription, to facilitate payment for regular customers. In that case, the bank card data will be stored as long as the subscription is active and at least until the date of your last transaction.

This storage is implemented by the secure payment service provider Stripe. 

You can review their Privacy Policy at the following link:


Modular stores personal data through specialized providers with Security Certificates and anti-hacking systems. Specifically, Modular encrypts its services through the SSL protocol.

At Uniqoders Technologies, S.L. we have established an internal framework of policies and minimum standards to keep your data secure. In addition, we limit access to personal information to our employees, service providers, and external service providers only when necessary.

More specifically, and in accordance with regulations, we adopt the most appropriate technical and organizational measures (policies and procedures, computer security, etc.) to ensure the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of your personal information and how it is processed.


Data processor is “the natural or legal person, public authority, service, or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller.”

In accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR and related regulations, Uniqoders Technologies, S.L. will process personal data for which the client will act as a controller or processor, when necessary for the proper provision of the contracted services.

In such cases, Uniqoders Technologies, S.L. will act as a processor, in accordance with the terms indicated in this contract.


We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to legal, jurisprudential, and industrial and/or commercial developments. We will post all modifications to this Privacy Policy on this page and, if they are significant, we will take more prominent action (e.g., send you an email).

Document date: 05-06-2024