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What are Parse errors in WordPress and how to fix them?

Alejandro Frades
¿Qué son los errores Parse en WordPress y cómo solucionarlos_

You may at some point have run into a Parse error on your WordPress site and don’t know exactly what it means or how to fix it. These errors usually appear when there is a problem in the PHP code of your site, which prevents it from running correctly. Don’t worry, it’s a common problem and it has a solution. Let’s see in detail what Parse errors are, when they appear and how you can identify and fix them.

What are Parse errors?

In PHP, a Parse error occurs when the code cannot complete due to an unexpected interruption. Basically, something in the code is preventing it from executing and returns an error message. Parse errors can be classified into several types:

  1. Syntax error: It is usually due to problems with parentheses, brackets or quotation marks in the code. They may be missing or the ones used may not be correct. A common error is using typographical quotation marks instead of normal quotation marks when copying code from a word processor instead of a code editor.
  2. Unexpected error: Occurs when you forget to include an opening or closing character, such as a parenthesis or a quotation mark. The PHP interpreter encounters something unexpected and stops execution.
  3. Undefined constant error: This is usually due to a missing character in an array or an incorrect reference to a variable.

When do Parse errors appear?

These errors usually appear when:

  • You add new code to your site: When copying and pasting code from other sources, errors may be introduced if any part is missing or if a character is copied incorrectly.
  • You use poorly programmed plugins or themes: A plugin or theme with errors in its code can generate these types of problems.
  • Modifying WordPress files: When editing files such as functions.php without the proper knowledge, it is easy to make syntax errors.

Structure and types of Parse errors

To identify and fix these errors, it’s helpful to understand how they present themselves. Here’s the basic structure of the most common errors and how they will show up in WordPress:

Syntax error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'character' in /path/to/file.php on line number

Undefined constant error

Notice: Use of undefined constant 'constant_name' - assumed 'constant_name' in /path/to/file.php on line number

Unexpected error

Parse error: unexpected 'character' in /path/to/file.php on line number

Key points to identify the problem:

  • The character or constant mentioned tells you which element of the code is causing the error.
  • The line number tells you where to look in the file, although sometimes the error may be a few lines earlier.
  • The file path shows you exactly which file needs to be checked.

Common Parse errors and how to detect them

Some common errors and tips on how to find them:

  • Duplicate opening or closing tags: Make sure there is only one opening <?php and one closing ?> tag in each PHP file.
  • Code outside PHP tags: Check that there is no additional code before <?php or after ?>.
  • Incomplete functions: An improperly closed function can interfere with other functions and cause errors.
  • Extra blank lines: Remove any blank lines after the closing ?> tag.
  • Missing parentheses, brackets or quotation marks: Check that they are all properly opened and closed.

When adding new code, for example in the functions.php file, it is recommended to place it at the end and always before the closing tag ?> if it exists.

How to avoid Parse errors

To prevent these errors:

  • Learn the basics of PHP: Knowing the language will help you identify and avoid errors.
  • Use a code editor: Programs such as Atom or Brackets highlight the syntax and make it easier to detect problems.
  • Check the code before implementing it: Use online tools such as PHP Code Checker to check for syntax errors.
  • Backup: Always back up your files before making major changes.

How do I fix Parse errors?

If you already have a Parse error on your site, follow these steps to fix it:

  1. Read the error message carefullyThe message tells you the type of error, the file affected, and the line number. For example:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’}' in /public_html/wp-content/themes/tu-tema/functions.php on line 36.
  2. Access the problematic fileUse an FTP client or the file manager of your hosting to navigate to the mentioned file.
  3. Edit the file with a code editorDownload the file and open it with a code editor, not with a word processor such as Word.
  4. Locate and correct the errorGo to the indicated line and search:
    • Missing or extra parentheses, brackets or braces.
    • Missing single or double quotation marks.
    • Missing semicolons and commas.

    Example of a common error:.

    echo "Hello world;


    echo “Hello world”;
  5. Save and upload the corrected fileSave the changes and upload the file back to the server, replacing the previous file.
  6. Verify your siteReload your website to make sure the error is gone.

I don’t know much about code?

  1. Contact your hosting provider’s support.
    • Description: Most hosting providers offer technical support to help with problems like this.
    • Action: Contact your hosting support team, explain the problem in detail and provide any error messages you have seen. They are trained to help you resolve this type of issue.
  2. Restore a backup.
    • Description: If your site was working fine before the error, restoring a backup can be a quick solution.
    • Action: Log in to your hosting control panel and look for the option to restore a backup. If you don’t know how to do it, ask your hosting support for assistance.
  3. Disable recent plugins or themes.
    • Description: Sometimes, a newly installed or updated plugin or theme can cause the error.
    • Action: If you have access to the WordPress admin panel, try disabling recently installed plugins and themes. This may fix the problem without the need to edit code.
  4. Hire a professional.
    • Description: A developer or technician specialized in WordPress can fix the error efficiently.
    • Action: Search for professionals on platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer or local WordPress communities. Be sure to explain the problem to them and provide any relevant information.
  5. Use specialized support services.
    • Description: There are companies that offer technical support for WordPress-based websites.
    • Action: Do your research and choose a reliable service that offers assistance in resolving errors on your site.

Helpful tools to check your code

If you need additional help identifying errors in your PHP code, you can use these online tools:

Simply paste your code and these tools will tell you if there are syntax errors.

Also, if you want to dig deeper into how to debug problems in WordPress, we recommend reading our article on how to enable debug mode in WordPress, where you’ll find more tips and tools to fix bugs in your site.

Additional tips

  • Do not try to modify files if you are not sure: Manipulating files without knowledge can make the problem worse.
  • Write down any error messages: This will help technical support identify and fix the problem faster.
  • Keep your cool: WordPress errors are common and are usually fixable.

What to do if the error persists

If after following these steps the problem continues:

  • Disable recent plugins or themes: The error may be caused by a poorly programmed plugin or theme. Try temporarily deactivating them.
  • Restore a backup: If you have a recent copy of your site, consider restoring it.
  • Seeking professional help: If you are unable to resolve the error, it is advisable to contact an experienced WordPress developer.

Prevention for the future

  • Periodic backups: Use plugins such as UpdraftPlus or VaultPress that automate backups of your site.
  • Update regularly: Keep WordPress, your themes and plugins up to date to avoid incompatibilities.
  • Choose plugins and themes from trusted sources: Download only from the official WordPress repository or recognized sites.

Final note.

Parse errors may seem complicated, but with a little patience and attention to detail, they are quite manageable. It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with PHP basics and use the right tools to edit and verify your code. This way, you will not only fix the current problem, but you will also be better prepared to avoid future errors.

Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
The mind behind Modular's social content. Always on top of the latest trends to take advantage of them and make the digital world more enjoyable and entertaining.

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