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Advantages of Using Country Code Domains on Google

Alejandro Frades
Ventajas de usar dominios de código de país en Google

Google has confirmed that country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) have certain advantages in local search results. This was explained by Gary Illyes, a Google expert, in an SEO podcast.

What are ccTLDs?

ccTLDs are internet domains specific to a country, such as:

  • .de for Germany
  • .fr for France
  • .es for Spain

These domains are designed to direct internet traffic from users in a specific country, not focused on a particular language.

Benefits of Using ccTLDs

Improved Local Ranking

Google tends to favor websites with local domains in its search results when the user is in the same country as the ccTLD. For example, a website with a .kr domain is more likely to appear in a search conducted from Korea than a site with a .com domain. This is because Google aims to provide more relevant and local results to its users.

User Trust

ccTLDs can also generate more trust among users. If someone sees a domain that matches their country, they are more likely to trust the site and click on the link. For instance, a user in Australia might prefer clicking on a link with a .au domain because they feel it is specifically intended for them.

Comparison with Generic Domains (gTLDs)

Generic domains, such as .com, .net, and .org, are not associated with a particular country and can be used by anyone worldwide. While a .com domain can perform well globally, it does not have the local advantage that a ccTLD provides.
Gary Illyes pointed out that while a .com domain can perform well, local domains like .kr have a slight advantage in local searches. However, this advantage is not very significant, so generic domains can still compete effectively.

Importance of Site Language

In addition to the domain, the language of the website content is crucial. A website in the language of the user’s search will have a greater impact on the ranking than the domain itself. For example, a website in Korean will be more relevant to a search in Korean, regardless of whether the domain is .kr or .com.

When to Purchase a Local Domain (ccTLD)

Focusing on a Specific Market

If your client’s goal is to attract users from a specific country, a local domain can be very beneficial. For example, if your client has an online store that only ships products within Germany, a .de domain will help make the site more relevant to German users.

Local Businesses

For businesses operating locally, such as restaurants, physical stores, or local services (e.g., plumbing or legal advice), a ccTLD can increase visibility in local searches and generate more trust among users in the country.

Specific Events or Campaigns

If your client is organizing an event or a specific campaign in a country, using a local domain can be an excellent strategy to stand out in related searches and better connect with the local audience.

When Not to Purchase a Local Domain (ccTLD)

Global Audience

If your client has a global audience or is looking to expand to multiple countries, a generic domain (.com, .net, etc.) may be more appropriate. Generic domains are internationally recognized and do not limit the site’s reach to a single country.

Diversity of Languages

If your client’s website is offered in multiple languages and is aimed at users from different regions, it is better to opt for a generic domain and use subdomains or subdirectories for each language or region. This facilitates site management and international SEO strategy.

Limited Budget

Buying multiple local domains can be costly. If your client’s budget is limited, it might be more effective to invest in quality content, SEO optimization, and advertising rather than spending on multiple domains.

New Websites

For new websites that do not yet have an established audience, it is easier to start directly with a local domain if the target market is country-specific. This helps establish a strong local presence from the beginning without worrying about migrating an existing site.

Established Websites

If your client already has a website with a lot of traffic and numerous URLs, it is not worth switching to a local domain. Migrating a large and well-established site to a new domain can result in a significant loss of traffic and search engine ranking. The process of redirecting and reindexing can be complex and costly, and the benefit of switching to a local domain does not justify the risks.


To improve your website’s performance in local searches, consider registering a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) specific to the country you want to target. Additionally, ensure that your site’s content is in the language of your target users. This will not only help improve your ranking in Google search results but also increase user trust in your website.
If you’re interested in learning more about SEO optimization, you can read about how to configure the robots.txt file in WordPress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does a ccTLD affect my website’s loading speed?

No, the type of domain (ccTLD or gTLD) does not affect your website’s loading speed. The speed depends on factors such as the quality of the hosting server and the website’s optimization.

Can I have multiple ccTLDs for one website?

Yes, you can have multiple ccTLDs to target different local markets. However, this requires a well-planned SEO strategy and can be costly to maintain multiple domains.

What happens if I switch from a gTLD to a ccTLD?

Switching from a gTLD to a ccTLD involves redirecting all old URLs to the new ones, which can be complex and risky. You may experience a temporary loss of traffic and ranking while search engines reindex your site.

Alejandro Frades
Marketing Specialist
The mind behind Modular's social content. Always on top of the latest trends to take advantage of them and make the digital world more enjoyable and entertaining.

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